Saturday, February 19, 2022

9 Steps to creating a killer brief for your graphic designer

9 Steps to creating a killer brief for your graphic designer

A design brief is an often overlooked part of the design process, but one that shouldn't be ignored. It helps you and your designer understand what you want and need from a project before it begins.

Designers - Do you ever get clients who give little to no input and expect a great final product?

Clients - Have you ever hired a designer because their portfolio looked amazing? Maybe you didn't have any idea what the finished product was supposed to look like.

You're not alone!

Here are 9 steps to making an effective brief so that both of you are on the same page before starting your project.

1) Understand what a design brief is

A design brief is a necessary step in the design process. It's important to know what you want and need before hiring a designer or starting a project of your own.

A good brief will not only give more insight into what you want, but also save time and money by avoiding miscommunication between you and your designer .

2) Intro

Let your designer know what you hope to achieve with the design.

This is where you should mention if you have a brand guideline or any other important information that will help them create something amazing.

3) Have an outline

It's important to have key words and phrases that can be used to express your ideas. Here are the main questions you should answer before starting a project:

-What mood would best fit my brand?

-How should this design feel?

-Am I looking for an artistic feel or simple packaging?

-Is there anything in particular I want to convey?

4) Look + Feel

If you have a specific style or mood that you want to portray through your work, let your designer know. If there are key items that need to be included in the design, mention them.

-What colors do you want to use?

-Is there a specific size you need this design to be? Are there any extra details that need to be included?


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